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BMW India Foundation implements ‘WATER FOR FUTURE’ project which is envisioned to create permanent and sustainable sources of fresh water suitable for a range of human consumption needs through basic processing.
Under this initiative, the Foundation has created rain water harvesting structures in 19 rural schools in rural areas of Haryana having very high ground salinity and water supply issues. As a result of this initiative, around 6500 students now get very clean drinking water round the year, which is leading to higher enrolment and retention in these school and is expected to contribute in yielding better academic results.
Also, a water body rejuvenation has been successfully carried out in Nuh district to re-infuse capacity and multi-usability in otherwise neglected and filthy water body.
BMW India Foundation is also augmenting underground water near BMW Plant Chennai by capturing run-off rainwater in the plant vicinity through 10 injection bore wells. This will create fresh water reserves for future in this region.



Safe drinking water is a basic human right. Access to sufficient potable water can prove to be a game changer for many in terms of better health, education and livelihood. However, marred by a worsening global water crisis where water usage increases by 1% every year, shortage of safe and potable drinking water today has become an even bigger challenge. This is more pronounced in countries like India having high water stress levels.
Addressing these challenges, BMW India Foundation reaches out to needy underprivileged families in community pockets to provide them with a unique mobile water filtration system. This versatile system has filtration capacity of over 2 million liters of water in its lifespan of 20 years and is 100% water efficient and very easy to maintain at zero cost. It is the fastest, easiest and most cost efficient way to get pure potable water for communities in need. The project educates people on benefit of safe drinking water along with guidance on filter installation and maintenance. Post distribution monitoring is done to ensure sustenance of the impact in long run.